What is the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)?

A music programme that helps your autonomic nervous system shift towards a state of inner safety

The SSP is a safe and well-researched music programme specifically designed to gently stimulate your vagus nerve (part of the autonomic nervous system) and help it re-attune to a state of ‘inner safety’.

The SSP helps you regulate and re-programme your autonomic nervous system through listening so that you can shift out of patterns of inner stress and ‘chronic survival mode’ into feeling more calm, self-connected, joyful and free from the inside out.

Safety is KEY in feeling joyful, whole and connected to your essence.

Nervous system dysregulation is often at the root of many chronic conditions and repeating patterns. If you are feeling stuck, disconnected from yourself and others, or chronically tense and stressed, it can make so much sense to do the SSP to help you release those patterns for good.

Download a brochure about the SSP by clicking here

Take the first step…

Schedule a call with me to get to know me and learn more about how the SSP can help you.

What participants are saying:

"I had no idea I could feel this calm and at peace inside. Things just feel easier now. I find myself loving who I am, which surprised me! I don’t mind so much anymore when others don’t really get me. I’m finding it easier to chat with people, even though I’ve never been one for small talk."
– Judy, CA

"Julia’s calm and warm approach helped me understand my nervous system profile and why I feel the way I do. It’s been incredibly insightful. I’ve had lots of ‘aha’ moments and now have new tools to support myself. I already feel hopeful that things can change. I haven’t even started the listening part of the SSP yet, and it’s already been worth it."

B.M, Germany

“I notice how much joy arises when I experience brief moments in everyday life where my nervous system can breathe, feel safe, and break out of patterns. At the same time, with the SSP Core, emotional and physical reactions keep coming up that want to be released.”

Life is starting to feel like a whole new experience and opportunity emerging, even though not so much has changed in terms of external facts. Thank you so much for your beautiful presence and your gentle kind guidance, Julia. It’s been so powerful to open my heart and embrace myself more, and we are not even done yet. I can highly recommend Julia’s excellent guidance.

Jenny, South Africa

SerenityBEING covers so many different aspects (emotional, psychological, spiritual, neurobiological, cognitive…) and helps to build a new foundation in life. I can’t imagine anyone other than Julia who can accompany the process so sensitively and benevolently in her own unique way. The SSP and the coaching process complement each other wonderfully - the SSP brings in small drops of security, regulation, and sensory experiences, which the coaching picks up and integrates. Especially with the challenging feelings and topics.”

F.K / Finland

Do you often get stuck in chronic stress & chronic survival mode?

When your autonomic nervous system is dysregulated, it can become easy to get stuck in chronic survival mode patterns and difficult to connect with your true self. In our modern everyday life, chronic survival patterns can present in so many different forms that may not even feel like being in ‘survival mode’.

This understanding comes from Polyvagal Theory, founded by renowned Dr. Stephen Porges, which describes the autonomic nervous system and how it functions. Dr. Stephen Porges also developed the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP).

It’s important to acknowledge that becoming dysregulated, i.e. easily getting stuck in chronic survival mode patterns, is your biology at work, trying to keep you as safe as possible - based on old programming, which may have come from your past experiences, your environment and/or even your ancestors. It is part of your subconscious programming and hence outside of your rational control.

- Always being on the go and do-do-doing
- Constant perfectionism
- Overwhelm & inability to relax completely
- Not being able to access your creative ideas when you sit down to them
- Feeling like you have to control things
- Constant inner critic

Examples of chronic survival mode patterns:

- Feeling sluggish & inability to concentrate (brainfog)
- Inability to move forward with change, ideas & plans, even though you really want to
- Feelings of helplessness & hopelessness
- Lack of self-confidence
- Poor quality sleep & poor digestion
- Difficulty staying true to yourself

To name a few…

- Ruminating
- Task procrastination
- Inability to connect with your desires
- Feelings of loneliness
- Anxiety
- Challenges in connecting with others
- Perpetual restlessness
- Chronic muscle tension, stress & inner tension
- Fatigue & emotional drain

You can shift out of these patterns

The SSP helps you do this by giving your nervous system “a distilled essence of trust and safety in audio form” (quote by Dr. Stephen Porges, founder of the SSP).
It’s deep groundwork at the ‘roots’ that can help you feel more whole and self-connected - and create an inner foundation from which you can fully spread your wings.

Your True Self resides in a place of inner safety…

It’s time to love and live in your true essence.

Who am I to be talking about this?

I’m a certified SSP Provider with a background in medicine, somatic & mindfulness based psychotherapy, somatic trauma therapy, sound healing, spiritual life coaching, constellations and more.

I use my scientific background and blend it with holistic approaches and my intuitive gifts to give you a powerful transformational experience.

I’ve also been my own inner journey of becoming free inside and living life fully for decades.

The Safe and Sound Protocol changed my life deeply - it helped me make personal shifts that I hadn’t even dreamed were possible.
I was so convinced about it that I did the certification (despite the long list of trainings I had already had). My clients are seeing incredible shifts and benefits too.

How can I help you?

I offer various SSP packages and can integrate the SSP into any work you do with me. Take the first step and book a free call to get to know me and learn more

I look forward to hearing from you!

Go to SerenityBEING

A complete coaching package to help you resource & re-programme your nervous system, feel deeply embodied, shift out of feeling stuck, find inner peace & harmony - and create a new inner foundation that truly serves YOU. Includes the SSP.

All my offerings draw on customised blends of Deep Listening and:

Nervous System

Somatic Intelligence

Psychology Tools

Sacred Connection

Ancestral Healing

Intuitive Energy Work

and more…

Visit the official SSP website here: